Punter.co.uk Domain sold for £21,600
Here at Andy.co.uk you can browse our extensive list of domain names and find one that suits your business perfectly. Our listings are updated on a regular basis with hundreds of new domain names added each month, so if you can’t find your perfect domain name today, the likelihood is that we will have something to suit your needs next time you visit. Alternatively, contact us using the form provided and we can locate your perfect domain for you.
Punter.co.uk Domain sold for £21,600
A premium domain name has always been hugely important for online businesses and this is even more important today where competition can be fierce across all industries. Sales of premium domain names continues to be extremely buoyant with many reaching huge sums when released onto the market. An increasing number of businesses have realised the importance of possessing a domain name which matches their business model and this has helped drive the demand and boost prices. Many also see domain names as an investment and it is certainly true that most premium domain names can increase significantly in value.
One notable sale recently involved Punter.co.uk which was sold by Andy Media for £21,600, this in itself being testament to the continued growth in the premium domain sector. This is just one of a large number of premium domains released by Andy Media. It really cannot be overstated just how important it is that your domain name clearly reflects the nature of your industry and website and our extensive listings cover a large number of industries.
Feel free to browse our full listings and should you be unable to find exactly what you are looking for, get in touch by completing the Contact Form and we will do our best to find your perfect domain name at the best possible price.